Using Video to Improve Customer Service.

There are many ways you can use a short explainer video, and one of the best is for customer service. Here are three essential ways you can boost your customer service through explainer videos.

When you think of an explainer video, you might think that it is a sales tool, something you place on your landing page and forget about.

But an animated video is so much more than that…
There are many ways you can use a short explainer video, and one of the best is for customer service. Here are three essential ways you can boost your customer service through explainer videos.

1) Website ‘Walk-throughs’

Website (or web application) walkthroughs are a useful tool and a great way to improve the experience of landing on your website and navigating it for the first time.

Your website might be very large with multiple categories, products and services, and for new visitors, getting started can be a challenge. By creating a walkthrough video, you can instantly provide a great starting point so users know where to go, what to do and how to get started.

This provides a better user experience and improves your brand image from the word go. It makes users want to hang around rather than bounce, and it helps them to discover new things that they were previously unaware of.

On top of that, it reduces your workload. Fewer support emails and calls will be sent as a result because users know exactly how to use your site, saving your team a considerable amount of time.

2) FAQ Videos

Many websites have FAQ sections, and they are a great place for new visitors to head to find out all the basics in a clear and logical format so they don’t have to go searching for answers.

But while having a written FAQ section is still a good idea, don’t forget the power of video. A great explainer video should act like an FAQ page when it is done well.

Plan it in advance by thinking about the questions that need answering, then work them into a script and set about answering the questions in a short video. Many people will find this easier to follow than searching on your site because everything is presented to them in one place.

At the same time, you are building a relationship with them by showing that their experience matters to you as well as making them aware of other features they might have missed.

3) Email Updates

You have a big announcement to make. A new product, changes to your service, a new company direction, a special offer – anything. You will probably want to notify your customers and prospects via email, which is still the most direct way to get across information.

But you can also add a video to your emails.

People are busy, and if you have some really important information that will take a bit of time for them to read, you might not want to risk sending them to a page on your site. Most people won’t click on the link anyway.

Instead, embed a video directly into the email. This is now possible using platforms like MailChimp, and it’s a great option to consider.

Subscribers can watch the video right within their email wherever they open it, so there is no need to read lots of information. They can get all the most important info right there in a clear and engaging format.

Improve Your Customer Service with Video

Video is an excellent way to improve your customer service and provide a better experience for your new visitors as well as your existing customers. It’s simple, engaging and clear, and it’s great for your branding at the same time.

Think about how you could improve your customer service, and get in touch if you have any ideas you’d like to discuss.

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Allan Petrilli
