Video Marketing Trends for 2017.

With the dominance of channels such as YouTube and tools such as Facebook Live, marketing online now requires visual content to bring good results.

In 1974 Motorola sold their TV division because they couldn’t see how it could make money. How things have changed with video and video content since then! The world has become so visual, and with the dominance of channels such as YouTube and tools such as Facebook Live, marketing online now requires visual content to bring good results.

With that in mind, here’s our predictions for video marketing trends for 2017…

More than 50% of social media interactions will be from video

Periscope from Twitter has been a huge success and Facebook Live is now being widely accepted. Creating quick videos ‘on the go’ is now easier than ever before and is increasingly being done. Facebook admitted in 2016 that it was not expecting Facebook video ads to be so successful and this trend will only continue. While there may still be lots of text only social media content, less people are interacting. They either don’t see these posts in their newsfeed or don’t see value in interacting with this kind of post.

We expect this to be one of the top video marketing trends for 2017.

Landing pages will contain more video

The majority of website visitors are already from mobile devices – and the bad news is the majority are also leaving these sites quickly when faced with web pages that are not optimised for mobile phones! During 2017 we will see more companies focusing on making their websites better for viewing on mobiles by adding videos that grab (and maintain!) their attention.

Here’s a good example of how using a landing page video can be used to explain your business quickly & effectively:

Virtual Reality will become mainstream

VR headsets and apps are beginning to take off and in November 2016, the BBC created its first 360 degree version of Click. Whether it’s games, TV programmes or YouTube style videos and adverts – expect to be putting on your goggles for some awesome videos in 2017 and marketers will need to take advantage!

Expect large companies initially to be offering 360 degree adverts allowing customers to explore their products.

BBC launches Click in 360-degree video

Advertising spend to increase on YouTube

People are increasingly watching ‘how to’ videos on YouTube rather than reading detailed guides from a Google search. We expect this to increase in 2017. Similarly, marketers will need to follow their audiences and turn more to using YouTube advertising to promote their products by featuring their adverts at the beginning of these information style videos.

Explainer videos will increase in usage

Video will become so important during 2017 that businesses with a video on their home page showing the benefits of their product or explaining how it works will be beating their competitors who just show a home page of text and images. We don’t expect sites to be crammed full of videos but the number of sites containing at least one video will increase. Websites have become so critical that businesses can’t afford not to have one. We expect the same to happen with video.

Why use an explainer video? Because video, just, works!

One Giant Leap!

So, when these video marketing trends for 2017 come true, you know where you read about it first! Did Motorola make a mistake in 1974? As Neil Armstrong said 5 years earlier (ironically on a Motorola device!) “It’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. He may not have been talking video at the time but if only he had a Facebook Live or Periscope connection with him at the time!


To find out more about using video in your marketing, get in touch today!


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Allan Petrilli
